These are photos taken in my library.
The books are shifted every time something new that requires a lot of space appears, so probably I'll have to update this post periodically.
Overall, there are over 6500 bibliophilic books, among which 6 incunabula.
The books are shifted every time something new that requires a lot of space appears, so probably I'll have to update this post periodically.
Overall, there are over 6500 bibliophilic books, among which 6 incunabula.
The library contains all the major encyclopedias, natural histories, historical, political and literary registers, bibles and important religious works, science and historical writings, a lot of important writers like Shakespeare, Voltaire, Balzac, Goethe, Jules Verne, J.J. Rousseau, Scott Walter, Schiller, Moliere, Victor Hugo, Homer, and others.
The lower shelves aren’t visible, but I can assure you they are filled like the top ones.
As you can probably notice, many books are behind the visible ones – there are two, even three rows of books on almost every shelf, except the folio volumes that needed an entire shelf. If I were to place all of them on a single row, i would need a room at least twice as big.
13 comentarii:
Wow ... very impressive!
I guess the feeling of being surrounded by all thoese great works by great men must be pretty awesome!!!
WTF !!! Great !
Va multumesc!:)
Thank you very much! Glad you like it!
Nu-mi inchipuiam sa existe asa ceva in Romania ! Felicitari!
Extraordinara colectie!Felicitari!
Superb, extraordinar, ma bucur ca v-am descoperit!
Mi-a luat aerul! Felicitari si sa aveti grija de aceasta inestimabila comoara!
Formidabila! Mi-ar place sa petrec macar un concediu intr-o astfel de biblioteca.Felicitari si s-o pastrati cu grija!
Nu pot decat sa ma gandesc cu ce grija as sta avand o asemenea comoara ....
Sper ca exista un sistem de protectie special impotriva atacurilor biologice si impotriva incendiilor (nu cu apa, nu cu spuma). Si impotriva hotilor bineinteles.
Multumiri pentru generozitatea de a imparti informatia.
wazzup champ?
nice books over there...
auzi,daca te intereseaza biblia aia din 1688(nu ma refer la editia anastatica a Sf Sinod ci ,stii tu ,la aia originala,prima de la noi) u let me know,ok?
multumesc mult pentru comentarii si felicitari
despre securitate - eu cred ca acopera o gama larga de preventii, si sper sa nu fie nevoie niciodata de ele. :)
Alexandru - scrie-mi te rog un mail pe pentru a putea vorbi. Iti multumesc!
increible colecion,impresionante
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