Author : Henry Tyrrell
Date : 1854
Dimensions :
These are 3 books divided in 6 volumes, but complete, with continuous pagination. The date isn’t written, but all the references I’ve found about these books state 1854 or 1854-1856. There are many engravings with battle scenes and important figures, maps and maps with tactical plans.
Written on every volume, in the beginning is “Cynthia A. Stuart, 1860, Waterloo”.
Sunt 3 carti divizate in 6 volume, complete, cu paginatia continua. Data nu este notata, dar toate referintele pe care le-am gasit despre aceste carti arata anul 1854 sau 1854-1856. Sunt multe gravuri cu scene de batalie si cu personaje importante, harti geografice si harti cu planuri tactice.
La inceputul fiecarui volum este notat “Cynthia A. Stuart, 1860, Waterloo”.
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