Works of Lapide

Title : Opere
Author : Cornelio a Lapide
Date : 1621-1683
Dimensions : 35,5 x 23,5 cm

These are 19 folio books of Lapide works, bound in 8 volumes by a collector probably in the late 17th or the early 18th century. The spine is leather and the covers are cardboard. They are pretty chaotically bound, as the numbers on the spines doesn’t match the chronology of the books.

Sunt 19 carti cu lucrarile lui Lapide in folio, in 8 volume, legate de un colectionar probabil pe la sfarsitul secolului XVII sau inceputul secolului XVIII. Cotorul este din piele iar copertile sunt din carton gros. Sunt legate haotic deoarece numarele de pe cotoare nu se potrivesc cu cronologia cartilor.

Volume no. 8
Two books with two beautiful full page engravings.

Volumul nr. 8
Doua carti cu doua gravuri pe cate o pagina intreaga.

Commentaria in Ieremiam Prophetam, Threnos et Baruch – 1621
Commentaria in Ezechielem Prophetam – 1621

Volume no. 9
The engravings on the title pages are spectacular in terms of details and expression, especially for the 1600s!

Volumul nr. 9
Gravurile pe paginile de titlu sunt spectaculoase in ceea ce priveste detaliul si expresia, mai ales gandindu-ne ca sunt facute in anii 1600!

Commentaria in Duodecim Prophetas Minores – 1625
Commentaria in Sex Posteriores Prophetas Minores – 1625

Volume no. 12
More beautiful engravings, with outstanding architectural details on the first title page.

Volumul nr. 12
Mai multe gravuri superbe, cu detalii arhitecturale formidabile pe prima pagina de titlu.

Commentaria in Acta Apostolorum – 1631
Commentaria in Epistolas Canonicas – 1631
Commentaria in Apocalypsis S. Iohannis Apostoli – 1631

Volume no. 6
The title page is missing, but the date is written before the first chapter.

Volumul nr. 6
Pagina de titlu lipseste, dar data este scris pe foaia dinaintea primului capitol.

Volume no. 5
Volumul nr. 5

Societate Iesu. S. Scriptae Olim Louanih Postea Romae Professoris in Ecclesiasten – 1639
Societate Iesu. S. Scriptae Olim Louanih Postea Romae Professoris in Librum Sapientiae – 1639
Commentarii in Canticum Canticorum - 1637

Volume no. 2,3
Three volumes, the third title page containing a Library stamp – “Bibliotheque du College Stanislas” and two ex-libris signatures “ exlibris domiis cong. Missionis seminarii min. Carnosei”

Volumul nr. 2,3
Trei volume, a treia pagina de titlu continand o stampila a unei librarii – “Bibliotheque du College Stanislas” si doua semnaturi ex-libris “exlibris domiis cong. Missionis seminarii min. Carnosei”

Societate Iesu. S. Scriptae Olim Louanii Romae Professoris in Iosve, Iudices, et Ruth – 1642
Societate Iesu. S. Scriptae Olim Louanii Romae Professoris in Libros Regum et Paralipomenon – 1642
Societate Iesu. S. Scriptae Olim Louanii Romae Professoris in Esdrae, Nehemiae, Tobiae, Iudith, Esther, et Machabaeorum Libros - 1645


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