Author : -
Date : 1743
Dimensions : 31,0 x 21,0 cm
“Penticostarion ce are in sine slujba ce se cuvine acu intai s-au talmacit pe limba romaneasca si s-au tiparit in zilele pre invatatului domn IO Mihai Racovita Voievod, cu blagoslovenia si cu cheltuiala prea sfantului mitropolit a toata Ungrovlahiei kir Neofit de la Creta”
“Precucernicul intre preoti, popa Stoica Makovici tip.”
Cartea este tiparita in anul 7251 (de la facerea lumii, adica 1743) in Bucuresti, si legata de Petrache Ivanichi, Episcop la Manastirea Caldarusani, la 10 aprilie 1877. Caracterele sunt chirilice. Cartea a fost gasita la biserica din Cioranii de Jos, judetul Prahova.
Neofit de la Creta mai este numit si Neofit Cretanul.
The book is a Pentecostarion, printed in the year 7251 from the forging of the World (meaning the year 1743) in Bucharest, in the dais of Voivode Mihai Racovita, at the expense of Neofit from Crete, and tied by Petrache Ivanichi, Bishop at Caldarusani Monastery, on 10th of April 1877. The fonts are Cyrillic. The book was found at the church of Cioranii de Jos, in Prahova county.
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